The Long Journey Home

After a few days of hunting, Dax and Geoff packed up to head home. Their first stop: nearby Atikokan to gas up. But the clouds started to drop fast, and so they headed to their alternate: Thunder Bay International airport. After a quick...

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A Cessna 150, Revived

Scott Urban, a Red Canoe customer from Pasco, WA, recently sent us some photos. "The photos are of my 1967 Cessna 150G and my 1943 Boeing Stearman PT-17," he told us. "I bought the Cessna 150 in a pile of parts about 10 years ago and...

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Who Wore it Better?

Diddy's from the ghetto and Dax is from the bush, but they're both self-made men, successful entrepreneurs who climbed to the top thanks to hard work and an uncanny sense of style. Who wore the flying jacket better? We'll leave it to you...

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A Near-Disaster on Dog Lake, 1966

Recently, we received this letter and a couple images from Jesse A. Daring, a Red Canoe customer in Gautier, Mississippi. Check out his story here: Red Canoe is inspired by stories like that of Mr. Daring; stories that celebrate the...

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New York, New York!

We are thrilled to announce the opening of Red Canoe's New York headquarters. We've relocated our offices from Chicago, and we'll now be running our U.S. distribution and operations out of a lovely prewar construction in New York's tony...

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Party People!

On Wednesday, June 23, we celebrated the official opening of our new showroom with members of the media and some close friends and family. Here, some pics of our distinguished guests. Toronto's fashion power brokers have a powwow:...

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Red Canoe’s New Home!

After many late nights, and many early mornings, we finally put the finishing touches on our brand new showroom last week. Here, a photographic tour of the new digs. Above, our new custom-built mirror is flanked by Black Canoe...

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Red Canoe at Niagara Falls

Last week, Dax headed down to the Niagara Parks Commission to help set up a Red Canoe display at the gift shop there. The Niagara Parks Commission is a logical match for Red Canoe: The institution is an important part of Canadian...

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Red Canoe on Your TV

Last month, we were thrilled to see George Stroumboulopoulos wearing a Black Canoe Canada Field Cardigan on "The Hour." Since then, it seems that Strombo has expanded his Red Canoe wardrobe; last week, he wore a black Canada Field...

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